The Accessory Barn Tips - What to Pack for your Vacation!

If you're jetting off to somewhere hot, you're bound to be excited. However, some of us may be getting a little stressed about what to pack; here are a few tips on making the packing process easier! Make your vacation preparations stress-free and enjoyable, for once!

Packing Tips for Your Trip

1. Start by writing a list of everything to pack, and use clear titles to split up the sections by using labels including 'clothes,' 'toiletries,' 'essentials,' such as your passport, ID, paperwork, etc., and 'miscellaneous,' like your diary, reading book and sunglasses. Listing everything you need will help you remember everything when you come to pack, and it will make it so much easier to add your personalized items.

2. When thinking about the toiletries you want to take, you'll likely be decanting your products into smaller containers or using smaller items if you'll be traveling by plane. Stop liquid leaks by putting cling film over the top of the bottleneck before screwing on the lid, and this will prevent your clothes from getting stained if they should leak.

3. Consider taking a mobile device or e-reader instead of big bulky books to read. Otherwise, you could photocopy pages of the next few chapters of your book to put in your suitcase and save the much-needed space for essential items.

4. Find out if your accommodation supplies towels before you head off, as this may save room in your case. However, make sure you take a spare towel for the beach if you're planning on catching the rays on the coast! Be sure to roll everything and not fold, as this can leave you with more suitcase space overall.

5. Pack backward - sound confusing? Think again! First, pack items that you are likely to use last during your holiday. Work your way backward and end with essential items on the top that you will need to hand as soon as you set foot at your destination! Not only will this save time when you reach your getaway location, but you shouldn't have to scramble around in your case, looking for something you need!

6. Take an empty suntan lotion container or tube to hide your valuables in when you're at the beach. Avoid having your personal belongings and cash being stolen by disguising them as something else - allowing you to enjoy your vacation!

Safe Travels - Don't forget your Grandco Sandals!

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