How to clean white sandals
Footwear may have seen significant transformations over the past centuries, but what still hasn't changed is how we take care of our shoes and sandals. While most shoes don't need much cleaning, your white slip-on sandals can be the most problematic. White sandals are a wardrobe staple for many reasons. They can be worn with any outfit and always look good. Their white color is both a blessing and a curse.
While they look spectacular on your feet, you will have to take extra care when cleaning them; otherwise, stains from food or other accidental spilled items show up quickly on your beautiful footwear. It doesn't matter what the material is - from leather and brogues to canvas and suede, all your white sandals and shoes require extra cleaning.
It's hard to hide the dirt that can build up on white sandals over time. You might think they're just fine even after several days of walking around without cleaning! The good news is there are some easy ways to get rid of pesky grime so your beautiful pair can stay looking pristinely new forever.
Can you believe 'How to Clean White Sandals' is one of the most asked questions at The Accessory Barn. We have gathered some tricks and tips that we have found to work well with white-soled shoes.

White slip-on sandals are perfect for summer but can quickly get dirty and lose their luster. To keep them looking good, you need some tricks up your sleeve!
To ensure your favorite pair stays pristine white, avoid harsh chemicals when washing them. Overwashing can erode the shoe material, and this is especially true for suede and leather. Instead, clean your white footwear frequently with a gentle water-based cleanser that removes any stubborn dirt or smudges without roughing up delicate materials. You can also use unique polishes suited to each shoe material. However, strappy white sandals like Grandco Sandals require a few wipes of a gentle cleanser - if you clean them frequently and don't allow any dirt to build up.
keeping white sandals clean
If you've been walking for too long in those strappy sandals, chances are they've pretty much changed their color. With stubborn stains and marks, it can be tempting to scrub them hard to remove them. However, by rubbing them vigorously, you'll scrape away the
shoe material. If you have marbles or jeweled sandal straps, be extra careful while brushing.
Your white sandals are probably your most prized possession. Versatile and chic - they beat other shoes in your wardrobe. Therefore, even when you're scrubbing them, keep a gentle hand. Use a light shoe brush to scrape off the grime and stains. If you do it long enough, it will eventually come off.
Weekly Cleaning
An intelligent way to put off deep shoe cleaning is to do it regularly; this seems obvious, but so many people wait until they are dirty!
Instead of waiting for those hard, dark stains to appear, give your white sandals a good cleanse once a week. Or even each time they have been worn. Although it depends on how frequently you wear them, you won't have any trouble as long you clean them regularly.
How to clean white sandals
It's important to scrub the shoe's footbed. That is where most of the dirt sticks and a lack of proper cleaning can cause it to jam. Every couple of weeks, take a damp cloth, a shoe-cleanser, and swab away the dirt. Cleaning the footbed will ensure your shoes stay looking clean. White flip-flops can easily stain. You can also use dish soap and water to scrub away dirt stains.